Bishop T D Jakes' Ministry Club is a special group of committed friends of Bishop TD Jakes and The Potter's House, who have pledged to fight alongside the Bishop as he reaches out with life-changing truth to lost, shattered and desperate people. Our aim is to help others experience the abundant living that God always intended them to have.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Change for the Better

"March is a time to pause and ask yourself some tough questions. Are you content with your life as-is, or would you like to make some changes? Would you like to start your own business? Get control over your debt? Change the way you and your mate communicate? This month, is all about change—preparing for it, embracing it, managing it...and coming out better on the other side!" The Bishop

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Building the Kingdom

We love you bishop

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Word of God is Strong

The word of God is true and stedfast, you can count on it. When all else fails, never fail to believe God. Please Join the bishop in his work for the lord.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Blessed Time!

Send in your comments on Megafest 2005! Bishop needs to hear from you! We want Megafest 2006 to be even bigger, better, and greater.Sign up below!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Will Joyce Meyers Speak at Megafest 2005


Hey email crew!!!!! For us working class, set your VCR or TiVo and catch this (if you appreciate Joyce). Be blessed!!!!!

If you cannot see the images on this email click here.

Get ready! Good Morning America has invited Joyce to share with America! We are very excited about this opportunity for Joyce to speak to millions of Americans about how God has transformed her life from tragedy to triumph, the work God has called her and Dave to do, and so much more.

God continues to open doors of opportunity for Joyce to share His message with the world. We are excited about her invitation to be a guest on Good Morning America Tuesday, April 5, at 8:00 am EST. We encourage you to share in our excitement and tune in to this broadcast. This is also an excellent occasion to introduce your friends, relatives, and coworkers to Joyce by encouraging them to tune in as well.

Join us in watching Good Morning America live Tuesday, April 5, at 8:00 am EST. If you are going to be away at work, set your VCR or TiVo and watch it at your convenience. Please check your local listing for stations.

In the event of late breaking news, there is a chance that Joyce's interview may take place later in the broadcast the day of April 5 or be aired at a later date. As always, please visit our web site at for all the latest details.

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Bishop Meeting

Hello Everyone!

To experience the discovery and discussion that transpired at Harvard Divinity School with Bishop Pearson and other scholars and theologians, the Divinity School has already established a link to view the conference via web broadcasting. Just go to www.hds.harvard .edu, and click on the link for "Into All the World." The icon for the proceedings is to the left of the screen.
It has been stated that this presentation has truly raised the standard for conferences at Harvard - providing a mix between high intellect, passionate engagement, comedy, and a challenge for social justice. There could not have been a more remarkably rich dialogue than the one that we experienced on last Friday.

We will keep you posted with further details regarding the publication of the texts and video purchases.
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Bishop Carlton D. Pearson

phone: 918-249-5900

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